Pregnant with #3

April 1, 2019

Baby number 3 is on it’s way! Man things are different this time! It is so extremely hard for me to take care of myself and this little baby in my belly. There have honestly been only a handful of days I have taken all my vitamins and drank my pregnancy tea blend. After your first pregnancy, has it been hard for anyone else to do all the things you did your first time around?
#babynumber3 #pregnancypicture #17weekspregnant #babybump #suprisebaby #twogirlsmaybethreesoon


May 22, 2019

It’s amazing what a simple hug can do for you. I’m talking about a REAL hug! You know, the kind that you just can’t do when you have a big pregnant belly 🤰🏻 I’ve missed giving Brenden real hugs SO much each pregnancy and it started even earlier with this one :( I’m at the side hug or leaning forward hug part of my pregnancy now. I remember the first time I couldn’t give Brenden a close big hug with Sage, I felt so sad. I didn’t realize how much I needed his arms wrapped around me. I knew it was coming with Aubree and this baby, so I could prepare myself better. But.... I still can’t wait to give Brenden a real hug again once this little baby is born. What did you miss most when you were pregnant?
#pregnantbelly #babynumber3 #missingthings #lovemyhubby❤️ #bigbelly #hugs


June 30, 2019 - 30 Weeks

A lot of people have asked me why we aren’t finding out the sex of the baby. So, let me tell you. 🎀 When we found out Aubree was a girl I, no joke, cried. Brenden jokingly said I will just never have a son to play football with I will just play with my nephews.... and even though it was a joke, it made me so sad. I knew we were going to have more than 2 kids... but those pregnancy emotions got the best of me... and I just knew Aubree was going to be a boy... but of course, she wasn’t. 💔I also used to say in high school that I never wanted any girls. I never had a lot of girl friends and girls were really mean, so I just thought, “Nope not for me!” Little did I know that God would give me the 2 most precious little girls ever! The moment I saw Aubree’s face, I fell in love! And the same will happen with this next little baby. 👶🏻 Also, since this will be our last baby, I want to grab the baby myself and look to see what it is. It just seems so special to me! 👔 Have you seen the adorable little boy clothes/shoes?? OMG we want to buy them so bad and probably would if we knew it was a boy. So the suspense is saving us money! 👤Lastly, I try to do as few ultrasounds as possible. I had to have so many with Aubree because of my placenta previa. I was really upset about it, but knew that it had to be done for our safety - and for the okay to have a home birth. Thank God it all worked out perfectly 🙏🏼 I also think I will be so much fun for the girls to just see what the baby is and welcome their sister or brother into the family.
So that’s why we want to wait! 💜💙 Did you or anyone you know have a surprise baby? #surprisebaby #babynumber3comingsoon #30weekspregnant


July 3, 2019

No joke, at least 2-4 times a day someone tells me I’m having a boy or “Wow, are you almost due?!”😂 A lot of people think the way you carry your baby is an indication of what you are having. Theoretically, a girl is higher and more round and a boy is lower and straight out. However, with all of my pregnancies, I’ve carried like I’m having a boy. And each one gets lower and lower earlier in the pregnancy. Let me tell you why. First, I have a tilted uterus, so when I’m pregnant it pops out right away. Then, when I was pregnant with Sage, I actually got an umbilical hernia and diastasis recti (major muscle separation in your abdomen). Now you can absolutely do certain exercises to help your muscles go back together (check out @deliciouslyfitnhealthy), however, with my hernia, I cannot. After I’m done having babies I will have surgery to fix both things. After every baby, my hernia and DR get worse... which makes my pregnant belly stick out more and be even lower. So I actually haven’t had a belly button for 5 years now. It’s something I’m insecure about but ok with, because my babies are more than worth it! I’m extremely thankful we live in a time that I have the option for surgery. Is it natural to have surgery? No. I’m freaking out about going under and the recovery time. I have been following this surgeon for some time now @gabbayplasticsurgery and he makes me feel more confident that I will have a belly button again one day and that he will take good care of me on the table. But until then 🤰🏻🤗 Did the belly shape wives’ tale hold true for anyone you know?


August 25, 2019

Zion Michael Villalobos came into the world August 22nd at 8:41pm, weighing 6lbs and 19inches long. He came early at 37 weeks pregnant and active labor was only 2 hours. We are feeling so blessed to finally have our son! We prayed for him for a long time. 🙏🏼💙 I loved having him in my own bed thanks to my team of midwives. I just love them! Birth story coming soon. 🤱🏻


What a journey! What an amazing journey. Our family is complete!

